Advertisements on our site are included at no additional cost, if the company is advertising on Ukrainian Time (Radio CFMB) and has done so in the past year. If a company wants to advertise solely on our web site, they may contact us for the price rates.


SUPPORT the companies which advertise
& thereby support your UKRAINIAN RADIO PROGRAM:

If you patronize their business, tell them that you listen to Ukrainian Time and that you appreciate their support.

That way, they will be more inclined to continue advertising!

On a plane trip to Chicago, a friend of multi-millionaire R.J. Wrigley asked why he bothered to continue advertising when his was already the most successful chewing gum company in the world.

Wrigley said, "For the same reason the pilot of this airplane keeps the engines running when we are already in the air."

ADVERTISE - It just makes $ense!

Salon de Coiffure Salon Royal
1510, rur de l'Église (Saint-Laurent)
(438) 998-5070

Dr Taras Konanec
1538 Sherbrooke West Suite 300 (corner Guy) Montreal
(514) 842-7311

Pharmaprix - Rosemont
2368, boul. Rosemont (nouvelle adresse)
(514) 725-6446

Pâtisserie Rosemont
2894, boul Rosemont
(514) 728-7711

Zytynsky's Deli
6417 12th Avenue (corner Beaubien)
(514) 722-0826

Charcuterie Pâtisserie Warta
16043, boul. Pierrefonds
(514) 624-6228

Granite Lacroix (Manufacturier de monuments)
1735 boul. des Laurentides (Laval)
(450) 669-7467

(Funeral homes), (514) 277-7778

Caisse populaire Desjardins Ukrainienne de Montréal
3250, rue Beaubien est (corner St-Michel)
(514) 727-9456

Shevchenko Foundation

Congrès des Ukrainiens Canadiens

Fédération Nationale Ukrainienne


© Copyright 2003 George Black Promotions Inc.
Content by: Simon Kouklewsky

Design & Web Programming created by: Tanya & Andrey Kutash